Chairmen: John Bromley | John Hayne
Vice Chair: Carol Bailey
Directors: Andy Fearn | Mark Evans
Associate Director: David Smith
Vice Chair: Carol Bailey
Directors: Andy Fearn | Mark Evans
Associate Director: David Smith
Football Management
- Manager: Neil Kitching
- Assistant Manager: Nick Amos
- First Team Coaches: Graham Deakin | Ian Cooper
- First Team Physio: Eddy Downes
- VEO Cameraman: Ross Beaman
- Match Secretary: Harry Shaw
- Head Groundsman: Dennis Ecclestone
Administration Team
- Safety Officer: John Hayne
- Commercial: Ken Hunt/Roy Sales
- Finance Manager: Paul Griffiths
- Social Club Manager: TBC
- Web Manager: Darren Allport
- Photographer: Wendy Hill
- Social Media: Mark Bennett
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer: Heather Rose
Business Development Group
- Chairman: David Montgomery
- Members: Andy Fearn, Mark Alcock, Ben Alcock, Dennis Ecclestone, Darren Allport, Alison Broom
- Fans Rep: TBC
General Office Telephone: 01785 602430
Curry Night Returns
On Tuesday 18th February, we host Bootle for our evening match. The club would like to offer a night of hospitality to all our fans and supporters, where we will be holding a Curry Night.
Meet the Manager
On Thursday 13th February we will be holding a Meet the Manager event in the Chairmans Suite at 7pm.